Executive producer Jerry
Bruckheimer portrays the disaster movie beyond Katrina or Sandy super storms;
giant tsunami that hits most of the southern parts of Asia and Africa by these
facts that a developments of technology as man-made ideas creating the ultimate
working in progress of controlling the global weather supported by satellites
known as Dutch-Boy under the surveillance engineers of International Climate
Space Station (ICSS) suddenly, malfunctioned and frozen the village in
Afghanistan or the fire-nado killer that hits Hong Kong concerning Secretary of
State Leonard Dekkom given the tasks of investigations to the trusted experts
station commander Ute Fassbinder and Jake Lawson (the satellite designer and
former ICSS commander) only to find a glimpse of spying-treachery acts behind
those incidents killing thousands on earth crusts before the next thing happens

Geostorm is kinds of disaster movie you might be afraid to imagined
occurs on real life but the technology and editing makes the film worth a watch
as thus orchestral instrumentals scoring music composed by Lorne Bafle like
Goodbye, Unspoken Code, Lightning Chase, Spacewalk, Office Raid or May Day opens
the realoty that malfunction of operation for project Zeus satellites will actually,
creating some kind of the combinations for all mother of disasters mankind ever
known took one specific time and hitting the planet altogether. As the dutch
boy turning into weapon and the tasks gets larger also for saving the president
with the entire National Democratic Convetion in Orlando after Tokyo got hailstorm
or Rio which been struck by freezing over permanent cold – as these extreme
climates changes cannot be controls or predicted anymore. Jake finally, found
out whose the brain master behind this horrible events and rebooting completes
co-working saves not only the NASA satellite controls but also the rest of the
world from extinction made by the ego of ourselves.
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