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Semen Vortex Butter (Bizarre Leprous Productions 2016)

   Late night invitation to the worst horrific family dinner ever attends by yourself is the brutal Death Metal and Cyber-grind recording front cover realm where you were trapped inside it with the insane killer cruelty communion for Exquisite Servings of Excrement reveals the menus of their terrifying lunatic kindness among the nineteen releasing tracks for the deader list via Malignant Germ Infestation crew making it happens as the cannibalistic gore vocals, growling sounds and grinding drums to the technical terrible of tremendous extreme levels for slashing/mutilating/consuming of decomposed rotting flesh of the authentic normal victims of snatched people by the group members stabbing for rituals and cut open or leave to be suffering after torture feasts from day one to months since then. 
The gory horror panorama surroundings and bestial atmosphere brought within Mercilessly Ravaged Anus, Breakfast Time, Fucked with Amputated Limbs, Masturbation Party or Necrophilia Memorabilia and Gore Guts Armageddon – may releasing the monster instinct inside the guests for attacking and eaten by one another after the table manner Gore-Metal succumb.

Exquisite Servings of Excrement:

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