As dozen of filthy criminals burst out from their lair with the killer instincts unleashed
to caught Dredd and Anderson – the shooting down and the fights erupts between
them and many casualties fell including the innocent civilians.
With the
Electronic masterminds for creating the composed sounds on Stage & Screen scoring
music – the job being given to Paul Leonard-Morgan did the Original Film
Soundtrack under the variety of Rock-Electro instrumentals such as Lockdown,
Mega City One, Kay Escapes, Bad Judges, Mini-Guns, Order in The Chaos and Mama’s
Requiem over the entire Apocalyptic Wasteland panorama and crime superiority
fought by the laws themselves but there’s also revenge, treachery and
blood-gutted scenery displays as this movie might not suitable for children as
money, drugs, nudity and thrilling kills pointed to the destruction permanent
of Ma-Ma’s power finally.
Dredd starring: Karl Urban, Olivia Thirlby and Lena
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