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Tacu Tacu (Bizarre Leprous Productions 2017)

   Bloody silly and splitting your atomic particles instead as the record playing; these Porno Grind of Chile band – Piggy must be one of thus ultimate five-piece executors within the basic extreme-explosions over the demands on this type of gorging freaks of nature musical to someone’s tougher ears to consuming the craziness insanity and pornographic performed by Septicemia (vocals), Checoleso (guitars), J Ano (bass), Hell-Jamon (drums) and Luchancho (samplers) for the releasing of thus squealing tortured and manic depression turning madness to kill and hunger to raping the colorful female genital before slashing them to mutilates using not just images but terror lyrics story to tell on Porcogore.
   As the war of monsters between gigantic fat hog and sewer creature causing by the malfunctioned uses off the chemical x by government property section of secrets agency – the rest of the towners must carrying the destructible chaos within even when they’re not do anything to worsen the situation except – robbing, killing, kidnapping and raping to increasing criminally sins and over population of humans and garbage and your Cybergrind brutal Death-Metal and Grindcore mixing as the forgotten products from Czech Republic label providing may sounded funny but as well really dangerous to normal people that might causing the spreads of Vola2, Diarregla, Zombies De La Droga, Heces, El Puno Del Puerco and more of total lunacy among the perfect peaceful society – turning from humanoid to mad ferocious/boisterous pig-liked people.


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