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The Boxer (Independent 2014)

   Grim-Pop by the Folkish tuning competence playing by the talented smart moves towards these trio of Little Red – as your outfit of Folk-Indie rock glimmering their sounds comprising the performance from Ian Mitchell (vocals, guitars and harmonica), Ben Gosing (vocals, guitars, bass and drums) to Hayley Bell (vocals) with songs written all necessarily by Ian Mitchell while the productions works finished by Ben Gosling.
Stick and Stones (LP) must be their ultimate releasing since the entire of the just started at – kinds of career in Indie Rock with the audiences got their timing slowly, sailing within thus melodic and harmonies of a semi-acoustic plus the live electric parts completely – in a sophisticated artworks and spectacles grown within The Garden, Cures, Whay Say You ?, The Cause, Bonnie & Clyde and don’t forgetting Petal or Down. 

Let them singing their amazing background and mixture vocals as the sounds ruling the silence but melodies of wiser words from the lesser-known fable of racing between a polite rabbit and a jealous hare.

Sticks and Stones:

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