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Wolves Fortress (Independent 2011)

   Fresh from the oven unit of Alternative Pop-Rock from their Manchester, Great Britain’s location; comprising for good looking female vocalist Jenna, guitarists Craig and Ben, drummer Rhys and bass player Billy performing the essential newer genre of Emo(tional) Pop Rock progressive potentially, by the youngster stylish self-titled recording as Leopards sharing the hooks and catchy choruses for the interests of teenager audiences as the combining of Punk, Pop and twisting variety by simplicity and average good girl fronting best layering the intricate of excitement on choices within the hands and the seven songs written by the band there.

The punchy track Irony that talks much about the life we living today and the miracles that won’t come when needed or Wasted Time and Animals right onto thus Journey of Failure – where the Modern Rock sounds conquers the way – the band’s breathing by their music. 

May your Lifetime and Masquerade won’t be a failure one.


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