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Yer Thunder Steal (Indiestructable 2004)

   Boogie down the throat of your interest off Hard Rock and Heavy Metal made by Toronto, Ontario’s trio rock-heads that calling themselves – The Illuminati which considering to the three headed-metallic influenced idealistic partnerships played by N. Sewell (bass + vocals), J. Gering on drums and L. Godfrey through his six-strings guitar plus vocals loves how they’re branding themselves as The Illuminati that conspiring through their great Southern-tinged music blasts rocking like liquor and beers for barbecue with nude girls and more money to burn on the releasing over the recording of On Borrowed Time. 

Shocking the curves lining and shaken the economy prosperity within a very nice touch riffs and beats that having high quality on percentages; Message Home to Casual Surveillance, Black Russian Blues, The Jericho Mile, Lay Low to Sir Lord Brubeck and Sphere of Influence may causing the listeners addiction for Blues-Rock like no one else can cure !

On Borrowed Time:

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