A second sequel from the first supernatural horror-drama follows the failure recovering of a catatonic possessed and traumatized Nell Sweetzer was found squatting looking mean on someone else kitchen soon being hospitalized and housing insightful under the treatment of therapist Frank girls board-home in New Orleans where even though Nell then also settling as a worker on chambermaid hotel and improves for no longer having bad dreams but it seems that the previous demonic power keeps on stalking her presence daily later on.
Within her new girlfriends there: Gwen,
Daphne and Monique she witnessing strange things occurs to her sights such as
masked men watchers as well as her personality changed darker as well as the
hint that Abalam demon is back to find her.
The Last Exorcism part II telling
us the next chapter after the wood’s occult ritual and demonic baby born to the
killing of the team of ministry preachers before to the realm inside the Mardi
Grass festival towners scenes and the girl’s compound witnessing a unnatural seizure
killed one of the girl continued within how the nurse Cecile introducing Nell
to The Order of Right Hand secretly monitoring her activity because they can
sense the danger using their magical ability of herself, Calder and Jeffrey
just on the same time Nell’s old footage demonic exorcism video surfacing the
internet for public.
Original Motion Picture Soundtrack of this movie by the
composer Michael Wandmacher truly injecting real terror and sudden horror
within the dramatic events and the scenarios going forward until reaches the
climax seeing the transforming finale for Nell into totally demonic possession –
not the same person again as the tracks like Flashback, Seeing a Ghost, Something’s
in The House or No Nightmares redrawn by Crucifix, Parade Dream to Weightless portraying
how the force of evil spirits really haunting and terrifying to deal with even
you got yourself protection spells and ritual to exorcising it but yet,
something meant to be triumphed against good intentions and as the fire burning
starts to flaming up the building and the order members thrown out from the
window dead; the audience will watching Nell’s coming out walking to get into
the car grin viciously as she blown up the whole town and burning it one by one
as she passing through the street not as human anymore …
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