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Curls Footsteps (Love Our Records 2016)

   You may considered them to be an elusive characters behind the subjective object on music making by the names of Ignacio or Jaime Tellado as these producing written tracks of Electronic Gijon’s Indie Pop-Funk and Hip-Hop sequences noise materials sounding in the releasing upon adventurer music to listening while you’re flying lately, higher enough without too much addictive sources and thanks to several names like Abrigo de Pelos, Wesphere or Sleeping Loops features on this Skygaze’s Weightless Landscapes LP really radiates the unique slow-motion by various themes or motives to be successfully produced into a package of music to human ears to enjoy.
Imagination changes and many more meaningful mesmerizing on both live instruments to the majority of instrumental tuning tracks supported by the access to spreading wings onto the sky high as daily reasons might responsible for not taking matters too seriously ended up in boredom or desperation. 
   Futuristic cubes building and ropes attached the hopes and answers for the questioners for mystery of life and several minutes in changing color-beats can let you feel the essential relaxing Chill-Out sounds over Light Scripted ft. Sleeping Loops, Touchable Oxygen, Reflections, The Wound ft. Wesphere ot Time is Slipping Away and Starlight ft. Virguita; easing the nameless causes and effects circling our society these days facing the new millennium future within uncertainty dragged by cultural mixed that changes pretty quickly. Forgetting our universal relationship dreaming about peaceful planet.

Weightless Landscapes:

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