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5000 Miles (The State51 Conspiracy 2016)

Bitter or melancholy like the ghost spirits off The Cranberries gone viral again through icy cold and forgery hell tales of lyrics written; blending torches of music and Alternative Pop-Rock with Folk and Chamber of Boadicea soloist not all instrumentals via Bristol, UK good works as Direction Of Travel 2016 came in as She Makes War identity hiding Laura Kidd’s figure behind the effective scenery sounds of innocent meets the green grass hills and old castles adventures for the casts on ancient dimension and king’s honors in medium beats standard through In Cold Blood, Drown Me Out, Slow Down Sunshine, Time To Be Unkind (featuring Mark Chadwick) or Paper Thin (featuring Tanya Donelly) must becoming the proves for this third recording albums bewitching analogue digital to pastoral vocals onto ukulele, melodic, piano, harp and violin or saxophone gathers their powers for musical performance.

Direction Of Travel 2016:

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