Punk-Hardcore of
America been formed since the beginning of the countable eighties era which
pleasure to have and performs their choices over Skater-Punk Pop which made by
the consisting non-formal jumping mosher-heads and Punkrocks uniting spirits of
Carl Vladez, Charlie, Jim Callahan, Joey, John Phaneuf or Tony Cortez among the
existing group members from Oxnard, California within their releasing of
Melodic Hardcore melted onto rocking attributes based on Punk-based attitudes
and rebellion as the hammering and bleeding hands and the semi-apocalyptic
measurement messages written through some socio-daily products of broken
society pressures as well as more angst of the youth and the poor outsiders
forging the emotional fast drumming to rhythmic bass-line and riffed six
strings bursting out Bleed album the forth on Stern 4 Prez, Keep Your Head,
Dead-End Street, Stuck as well as Fallen or Pist leading the aiming section of
protests to the right spot !
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