Mount Gambier, Southern Australia menus on the group or duo’s blast beats of Punk meets Death Metal classic performed by Jessica (bass guitar) and Sam on guitars, vocals, drums programs, machine control as their hiring drummer or operator of the mechanical drumming fills in the permanent brutality dwelling through A Permanent Mark album as the band’s solution and offer to those whom cravings on more bestially, powered violent Grindcore music presentations and here they are boundlessly, burning your ears to bleed them up as those forty-six tracks of Wounded Pig shall accompanied your journey into non-pleasure, horrific, terrorizing and crusty destruction themes over Rape Kit, Spoiling The Whole Barrel, As Beautiful As a Rock in a Cops Face, 99%er, Turf War, Straight Up Fuckin’ Gangster onto The Reformed Junkies Guide To Troubled REM Sleep as well as Syringe Stick Up or Abort leaving the stand up bloody-covered figure of death sprinkling the rest of the garden flowers with its stains of disgust.
A Permanent Mark:
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