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Demokratur Laudanum (Association POPeLINE 2015)

   Nanokill is a Synth-Pop duo brought their influential of Gothic and New Wave beats Electro installations over the seductive female distinctive points of interest and man’s ego blending to one by both Eve D’Orso and Axel Noon back on their somewhere shelter around Paris, France as very very dark True Faith for these French/Switzerland/Canadian not ringing bells for any reasons but beaten path in black magic modern works lyrics and atmosphere happens within the protection shadows revealing the night raptor as invisible but touching the outer-post of conscious of men. Choosing some or every last single one of them might be hypnotizing your inner minds as well as Es La Reina Y, Transitional Object, Commission Report, Babybox and Cats Don’t Lie dragging some new tricks for the initiatory trip to begin by the first leaping from the ledge within the rhythmic base of samples and loops or Trip-Hop trended.

True Faith:

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