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It's Mutated (WaterTower Music 2011)

   The audience will get themselves a freaky thrills as they’re watching the story of disaster virus infection and outbreak via the directed movie by Steven Soderbergh as being entirely ensembles by the musical scoring soundtrack composition from Cliff Martinez begins with a business woman returns from her trip to Hong Kong having a rendezvous affair meeting with her ex-lover before heading to home in suburban Minneapolis Beth Emhoff contracted cold as her condition getting worsens as two days later she collapsed in severe seizures rushes to the hospital taken by her husband Mitch and died for unknown cause later on. Mitch finding that the ex-lover Clark also died from the same symptoms of infection as Mitch placed into isolation but realized to be immune from the disease being released as he struggles to protecting his daughter with him from the risk of infection and the starting condition around the communities which getting non-control-able each day since everyone whom in close-contact with Emhoff spreading the unknown disease through-out worldwide. Contagion: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack consisting of twenty songs quite scientifically, explaining several aspects attached and interfere within the cases of this disaster medial failure story themes like The Birds are Doing That, Placebo, Chrysantheum Complex, They’re Calling My Flight, 100 Doses onto Affected Cities and Get Us to The Front of The Line make sense that representatives of department of homeland security meeting with Dr. Ellis Cheever from CDC expressing the address of fear and panic about the bio-weapon disease for causing terror as the dispatching Dr. Erin Mears (epidemic intelligence service) tracing her investigation of the outbreak way back from how Emhoff got it the first place negotiating the local bureaucrats reluctant for resources, proper public health response onto setting triage camps in stadiums and warehouses before Dr. Mears herself infected as well and died with still no cure in sight as social order crumbles and decay with rampant looting on stores and houses forcing president to move underground a emergency services absent and no longer responding. 
   Conspiracy theorist Alan Krumwiede posts videos about the virus on popular blog also showing how himself got sicken but using homeopathic cure of forsythia being recovers spreading panic hysteria as many seeking it over pharmacies while CDC expert Dr. Ally Hextall determines the mix of genetic material from pig and bat virusesworking on a cure stall as cell culture discovered newly identified as Mev-1 or UCSF professor Dr. Ian Sussman violates the orders as identifies the usable of Hextall breakthrough work as vaccine while the virus mutates projecting world population will be infected with more than half percentage mortality rate. Alan Krumwiede spoke to the national television interviews telling public about the excuses of Dr. Cheever secret information to his family and friends to leave Chicago before the quarantine starts but then arrested for conspiracy and security threat before releasing back on his supporters bail-out. As Dr. Hextall finally identifies a possible vaccine as the length of time cut obtaining informed consent for infected patients as experimenting the shot on herself and then, to her infected father as declaring a success by increasing rapidly productions in limited edition putting CDC to lottery patients based on birth dates. Even the WHO epidemiologist whose traveling to Hong Kong Dr. Leonora Orantes got kidnapped by local activists in order to barter her safety with the vaccine package as death toll reaches 2,5 million in US and 26 million worldwide with samples of Mev-1 stored next to the deadly viruses such as H1N1 or SARS and the source of the unknown virus led to the flashback of a bulldozer destroying palm trees and forest edge disturbing bats to move away closer to human’s pig farm and banana trees as the pigs eating the drops and collected to the local restaurant as the chief whose preparing to process the raw piglet being called by Emhoff and shaking hands without washing them first. 

The mixes of bats and pig viruses made her patient zero ...


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