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Kids Brooklyn (Self-Released 2014)

   Unsigned Hip-Hop of New York city area rappers united and bring their flavored newer game music beats coming as Supreme as your well-looking rock star in mohawk – Mr. SlySpitta the charm boy pretty and Skulli appearing with his rugged style and lyrics to bring their story of lives.

   Sampling the credits within Mountain, Fait Chaud, Curtis Mayfield, Donna Summer and Isaac Hayes freeing down the flows of consciousness by clever tales to share on you all through Center Stage: Act I as their second album in theatrical portraits production and five tracks here will be your proof to listening about as non-bias with II. Superfly by three minutes more or III. Once Upon A Time in Brooklyn as well as IV. Bad Girl projects showing that the empty show needs just more than brains to make it go on but attitude and talents and T.N.T duet may let people knowing about their Triumph & Never Tarnish means.

Center Stage - Act I:

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