Joseph’s works of a series documents over the modern tales off conspiracy
theories from footage assemble and archival narration to animated from many
viewers of the international viral experts and interviews according to humanity
about how corrupted is the Christian religion really actual was and is still. Multimedia
events with such a interesting style to represents here on Zeitgeist The Movie
is nothing but a reality purchased and being drag the clash of civilization as
well as wars, famine, destruction, economy collapse and infrastructure within
the works of some secret society and the manipulation for millions being
enslaved through the decades age of history turmoil under the name of
monotheist faith as the ultimate truth- as here portrayed specifically on Christianity
which taken its religion roots from mainly deprived beliefs of the ancient and
old ways such as astrological myths, astronomical assertions onto traditions
nurtured as hybrid forces on opportunist influencing human beings in part I
while part II claims the lies and unexplainable things occurs and happened
during before and after September 11 attacks on World Trade Center buildings in New York
spawning the new program of large budget of dollars struggling for the war on

As Peter Joseph did most of his time performance every pieces of vaudevillian,
music recording, live instruments and video editing presenting this film format
over the caged world of men by the mind-controlling religion beliefs system and
unconstitutional laws or rules of the so called police-states.
Whether you interesting to learning the skeptical
connecting dots between conspiracies and propaganda but in between that you may
finding good soundtrack score music for the movie such as March, Grave,
Pesante, Overture onto Exposition A or B or Maestoso to Marcato trying to dig
the dealt of facts and emotional relations over ancient history, idiosyncratic
anti-religion and authority for fooling millions or do so for greater good like
they said it is.
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