The survivor buses being attacked by the infected people whom turning to zombie-like after the virus spreading the outbreak some surviving the refuge seeking on a remote colder area where they thought the virus won’t grow or adapts but they’re wrong. Jack, Patrick, Emma and baby Lu managed to reach a safe zone but Emma got bitten and died.
After nine years staying on the snowy-covered town with separated fences and houses next door between Jack and Patrick with Lu grown ups living with Jack but her biological father is Patrick whom being forced to let her go to Jack because of his alcoholic addictions for Emma got attacked and infected as he did nothing leaving them not talking to each other anymore.
Lu don’t have permission to wondering around outside but bonded to Patrick’s dog through the fence. One day Patrick went out with his dog finding one infected which following the trail down and eating the half-eaten fox as it sees and chasing Patrick whom fell to a tree but trying to shoot several shots as a warning sign attracting further for the infected to attacking him by biting on the neck before the dog saving him as jack did nothing even hesitate to shoot for help.
At night-time Lu sneaking out to put flower on the dog’s grave but being attacks by the infected as Patrick again com and saving her with severe-injuries but could tied up the being and learns that they’re immune to the disease because nobody’s turning as the infected evolved their blind sights to enhanced specific hearing; as they’re now agree to helping each other as Jack inviting Patrick for dinner next day or the radio stressed calling and information search on helps by someone responding but as they’re prepares everything a pregnant woman came and as she heard the screaming infected, she shoot it without hesitation explaining to the others the howling is how they’re communicates with each others as well as calling them.

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