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Prayer Rats Sandra's Brain (Two Crabs Universal 1979)

   The Soft Boys original psychedelic of Cambridge’s crew calling themselves Maureen and The Meatpackers cool but not enough sell-out for the beginning on the Punk-up meets New Wave Hard Rock arena in miniature modernism as then revivalist vocalist Robyn Hitchcock doing it one more time through The Soft Boys group consisting for names like Alan Davies, Andy Metcalfe, Jim Melton, Kimberley Rew, Matthew Seligman to Morris Windsor and the proof would be this debut recording of The Soft Boys releasing A Can Of Bees that might not stinging the audience harder and poisoning enough but as you listening time meet this British opportunist; you may loving them for more within The Pigworker, Human Music, Return of The Sacred Crab, Wading Through a Ventilator or Cold Turkey reads the Hard Rock awareness sophisticates and solid by the access through Indie Pop rocks sessions.

A Can Of Bees:

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