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Start From The End (Sabotage Records 2012)

   You might not knowing names like Dorus Meurs (drums), Hein van Tuijl (vocals), Johan Vogels (guitars) or Miriam van Ommeren (bass) but you might love to hear their seven inches recording out of Union Town: Blinding Lights 7” within thus abstracts artworks painting for the front cover as well as the band’s exciting release for their great formatting groovy sounds to the grass-rooted people only over these three tracks and as the six minutes and forty seconds duration works as a guidance towards your introduction over them or Singing Our World Into Existence comes to the stereo displaying system within three minutes more and forty-four seconds – experiencing the human’s sad face and the black asphalt rains directing you to thus red road onto a burning red house must be a symbolizing sign of disaster that never leaves one over their lives.

Blinding Lights 7":

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