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52 Card Pick Up (Them’s Good Records 1999)

   Skater-Punk or happy scrappy Hardcore-Pop bursts like the NOFX effects from the mouth and the performance of these Punk-Rock local guys located on King’s Lynn – UK explosive faster and melodically abusive to ears as attractions made well by Robin Tow, Steve Pitcher, Wes Wasley and Tom Blyth being called themselves as choices to be Vanilla Pod really distracting many listeners and audience off the younger age as whether you hated Blink 182 or bigger fans on the late nineties lasts of pioneering Warped Tour methods musical format is this group incarnations their second recording album with Faster Disco making their Indie Rock and prosthetic rocking Punk-Pop be heard pretty well done which compulsive and composing quite non harassing to shows the dark-colored disc jockey and his crazy innovative hairdo style commanding people to follow the seminal extreme in Hardcore-Punk trust turfs that being once again established by the punk-rockers from this English crew by mosh-pit tempos via the wiser Gut Wall, I Know, Once Was Home, Your Just A and Where’s It Gone weren’t a incorrect innovative ideas made to the dry inked lyrics and energetic mission waiting to be accomplished.

Faster Disco:

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