With the used of early-mid ends of the nineties
era experimented for amiga 500 and korg x3
and projection of mind-ideas to control the listeners trapped inside this
recording for over seventeen years in the leashed process again took a time to
reflecting through the destructive hard on believing sounds that being composed
by Taciturne complex-measurements over the so-called recording on Old
Bullschitt Vol. 14 which passing Electronic Gabber/ Techno Hardcore and
Ratzeburg’s non-textual gripping of Sine-Wave blasts in KKKoncept, Violent Acid, Back To The Roots
as well as Oldtimes or Ereschkigal – presenting madness of non-vocalizations. Where the gathering of the freaks revealed thus mechanical drumming like Industrial Old-School beats monotonously, dangerous to hear and for you entertainment there are no good happiness here only some screaming vocals or machine producing extreme sounds to grinding flesh for thoughts of the advance reality led by artificial intelligence as masterminded by Jorg Buchholz himself with some names serving the tortures for death music match.
Old Bullschitt Vol. 14:
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