By incorporates their loving massive to loved elements for Death Metal, Progressive Metal-Core and Nu-Metal for the excellent textures explaining their influenced cross-over musical as the band from Ukraine’s of Horlivka consisting on the extra-ordinary unique female vocalist by the name of Tatiana Shmailyuk, Roman Ibrakhalimov, Eugene Abdiukhanov and Vlad Ulasevich becoming as - Jinjer (Ginger) a metallic jazzy funked rocking unit that gained prominence on dealing with their painful suffering based of son-writing and most adorable melodic harmony matches through-out the manifestation directed tempos and various catalyst upon breaking the habit kinds of extremity to retaliates with the releasing on their albums; including this King Of Everything.
Performing the sons of bitches angst and more further wrath of infatuation instinct of active female figure on raging PMS effects would be so dangerous and sexy as possible to combines while hearing about I Speak Astronomy, Captain Clock, Words of Wisdom, Just Another and Sit Stay Roll Over sounds of deranging Dip A Sail as infiltrates through your ears.
Sensible and sensitive as well as spreading threats to those whom disbelieved in equality of women over-thrown men stories being told – like seeing birds targeting for the ruler kingdom of a mouse.
King Of Everything:
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