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Gimme Death Sticks (Self-Released 2017)

   Boston, Massachusetts’ Trump haters written and recorded by Greg Lanzillotta with Alora Lanzillotta and Anthony Wry giving the audience a good looking portrayed honoring the long existence of the heroin from galaxy far far away … Princess Leia as Join The Resistance might be the souvenirs kind of things taken back and brought to the public as the album maintaining the simple recording album filled with mini extended play over five tracks about Punk Rock, Space Jams or Rock spacing  limitless but shortly, as punkish princess in her youth appearance may becoming a good example of role model for planned parenthood proceeded donation and our future leaders not seeing genders as differences and equality is a time for changes made by Blue Milk Run – the band right here. 

   Interestingly, fascinating but too damn shorts as harmony vocals backgrounds reveals the inner quickly temptations from the group themselves on wanting a fame as well but as the real explorations on lyrics rhyming fun taken through some of the film’s famous phrases and themes from Yoda to Obi Wan to Rebel Alliance adds just like These Aren’t The Droids (You’re Looking For) or R2 Can U ? as well as Rebellions Are Built on Hope did manage some of those things possibly positive to be shared among your nerdy friends and Star-Wars fans; just take care and beware of thus imperial spies out there. 

Join The Resistance:

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