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Lord Lucre (Bandcamp 2009)

   Using the force of telekinetic to threatened your victims or hostage against the highly authority will must be the last chance to take for your own safety pin like the similar cranking Garage Rock meets Blues voodoo or Alternative Trash Pop which sounded like The White Stripes different persona as the name taken from the influential DC comics character or the orbiting mysterious alien satellites that has been monitoring the planet since thirteen thousand years ago that comprising your views for seeing The Black Knights a truly independent and honest music makers duo hailed from Salford to invading your empty space before another cold war started up between some super-power countries of greed and Parade Of Piranhas blown the best of its total rocking riffs, unique middle tempos to the southern-tinged vibration vocals and structures which spawning five tracks like Shona Dancing, Roots and Shame You Don’t Know. 

Presenting the inner blazing melodies and comfortable head-bashing crude sounds from baldy man’s story !

Parade of Piranhas:

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