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Tennis Town (Not On Label 2018)

   Felt normal to enjoy as the New Wave perpendicular penetrations went savvy inviting you to dance a bit silly but the music came in knocking without permission – sounded serious not stupid as the television of green color turned off by the owner after painting the wall pink and resumes that it’s better to listening for Castlebeat tonight rather than watching goddamn news and fake stories displayed on it as for the New York crew releasing the second efforts called VHS; led by the one and only - Josh Boy and told someone that he likes Drake but keeps making his own loving tracks right from around Irvine, CA to be brought as Dream Pop and Lo-Fi sounds for the simple catchy tuning music there. Some might calling this Chill-Wave, some others calling it Post-Punk Shoegaze or Bedroom Pop tunes but for Castlebeat himself here on the project – Goth-Pop recording is enough to describing the entire themes and background influences about itself. While “Spirit-Goth” displaying I Follow, Here, Zephyr, These Days, Heart Still Beats and Video tape in various different mid-tempo duration.

For a recorded stuff you like and want to make – do it yourself, pal ! D.I.Y, okay !


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