Godfather mobs may
having problems with their kids and then, agreed to forming the bound of
alliance among those Mafioso breeding ex-sons turning to rebel- Punks as Ancora
Vivi would be one of the project of Post hardcore of Lucca, Italy which
consisting for Andrea (guitars), Barbi (bass guitar) and Leo (vocals) with some
special thanks for their friends and relatives – Mauro, collective studio,
Barbeat and Giulia Menicucci and Inchiostro Lisergico among others but not any
santa’s and holy mother of god because the band actually, is so individuals and
Reference tracks page by the non-license protests against the world
peeling up the skins withi the power violence according to Corri Ragazzo,
Saremo Incubi and Sangue dig this self-titled record fueled on angst, confusion
and metallic land-mines to blow shit up quick !
Ancora Vivi:
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