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Dripper Con Manic (Iron Lung 2018)

   A deadly combination of familiar templates caught by the chemical disposal capable to give yours a dreadful punchy-the-gut onto Hardcore by these Melbourne, Victoria off artistic work-out team naming themselves Geld; offensive and really total aggressor sounded mixture not really closer to be called a Cross-Over but surely – Al Smith, Cormac O’Siochain, Pete Dupree and Thomas Rowley gave in their one hundred percents of Perfect Texture album. Short Punkish weird hair-cut or the odd Grungy dumb and more long-haired bastards closer to almost destroying the inner mistakes of the world by their protesting lyrics just like a professional activists against giant corporations and tyrant governments as rocking harder music blasting within riffs and melodic solos just like the stories on Scando Ripper, Balaclava Mask, Cleaver, Dog Tired and My Own Most Hopeless Case horrific enough to draw the real pictures about our filthy lives and damned planet in more honest portrayed proto-type babbles.

Perfect Texture:

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