Produced and
engineered by Pete Grossmann with Daddy doing the lyrics written and vocals
performance while Candy did the rest of the guitars, bass, back-up vocals, drum
programming and arrangements along with no babies were harmed during the making
of this recording as an oddballler duo or scatter-brainy piece of hailing
shitty outer reached spacing but interesting as well as they providing the Devo
impersonator from Chicagoland to the precious short riff-age heritage from Joey
Ramone and co. throwing the Pop-Punk expands silliness and fun syndrome
politically by humor and tumultuous as one of those American’s bad-asses crew
debuting for Precious Moments In The USA by Bad Mechanics collectively,
cranking the catchy tunes like Social Obligation, You Drink LaCroix, Vote
Jaffray, Must Be The City and DiCaprio Hit a Baby onto Daddy’s Pasture –
telling you the daily filthy issues and news around the bench of park where
people gossiping or telling something truth but still – conspiracy walks on
free and your sexual orientations being questioned for the hundred times for
being a punk liker !
Precious Moments in the USA:
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