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Crow Feet Eyes (Self-Released 2011)

   Parts metallic Doom and parts unknown for jamming band Stoner fusion originally, set as three piece from Oxfordshire, UK is the quartet somprising for Chris Fielding, Jamie Gillett, John Slaymaker or Pete Smith deranged the infinite busting guts rhythmic and riffs over the intense groovy marks for the time being cycle via A Cosmic Interlude mini recording which carried the themes among mysterious psychedelic between space and land of the unnamed as supernatural beings and inhabits living there to dare anyone whom travelling in a journey with Caravan of Whores lies the shadowy beneath the sands of time and further choruses of head-banging slashes or flash bangs for the even flowing seminal digest epic numbers within the eleven minutes soloing by duration and nineteen seconds leaps on faith for rock music to bare.

For the further live shows and outstanding affiliates over the exact counting track opener on Now that pursues another four minutes and twenty-two seconds bias concrete tough roar drumming from it; one should never getting closer standing to the horde marching through the sand storm – danger is immediate there … 

A Cosmic Interlude:

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