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End A New Age (Independent 2017)

   The Rammirath main character figure – HV (vocals/guitars) having a side project remote far off Bratislava – Slovakia where the dark legends out for blood thirsty creature called nosferatu souls hovering above unmarked by maps or unguarded villages as the most inhabitants there gone missing day by day and this time Krolok makes its Atmospheric Black Metal tales about nature, personal feelings and night vampires scary to horrific in non-aging story to spread within the performance of Peter on bass guitar and Miroslav behind the drum-sets within darkness hiding the progeny discussions over the fangs of terror coming to you at the timeless hours and snatching your women first and teasing the torture onto them to later on making you suffer to watch before everyone bows-down to this old beginning of days god relic and castle of the disbeliever on the releasing package off Flying Above Ancient Ruins as Hunger for Her Eyes, Count Von Krolock or The Wanderer Ascends (Father of Sorrows and Past) might deeply, draining your freaking veins when nobody looking care to themselves as the disease saliva makes the pain sterile and the numbness leads you to your undeader animated suspending situation.

Flying Above Ancient Ruins:

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