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Fearian Cape (Metal Blade Records 2016)

   The bleeding blended heaviness riffs within the border area of New Orleans to California – these natives Southern dark Sludgy metallic crew Sourvein must be one of thus survivor whom finally, seeing the surface while others drowning deeper and died or at least, disbanded and as T-Roy Medlin is the only original member around without the six-string shedder beauty Liz Buckingham but King James replacing her place on the guitar department and drummer Ramzi Ateyeh fills the sets as well; the band keeps going forward blazing explosion pounding beats as slower tunes down the pace in greater doomsday prophecy themes/lyrics setting around Stoner Rock, Doom Metal and Sludge for Aquatic Occult rocking the fucking stereo within the choice of Heavy Metal archaic that showing nothing but negativity there.
   Sabbath thick influences and more than you ever gets from ordinary bands would gladly, be viciously – fucked up through this one. Permanent sorrow, pain and everything that gets the entire shaken down earth-quaking of the warth of the underwater god Neptune might slamming you easily through Avian Dawn, Ocypuss, mermaids, Capsized, High Tide, Urchins or Coral Bones – truly reminisce the anger of underground metallic shows should perfectly, performed louder !

Aquatic Occult:

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