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Pizzagram Inferno (Death Waltz Recording Company 2016)

   Exclusively, this movie isn’t really all about those savage manic metal-heads life-style in general but as you entering the boring life of Brodie whom loving Extreme Metal so much becoming the pair of Heavy Metal misfits to meet Zakk the bastard son as well forming his own Death Metal band with some weirdo nerds from his new school – life isn’t as sucked as the previous before since Brodie found up the time to hang out with the beautiful hot magnet chick in class that would “making you awkwardly erected” just for seeing her awesome body named Medina whom used to be his jerky causin’s girlfriend but wanted to learn about Heavy Metal too better for Brodie to accept rather than his ugly uncle and auntie at home trying to christening him for days since he moved with them after the death of his father and her mom’s mental rehabilitation issue. Blonde babe, crazy ex-rockstar whom given them the manuscripts of summoning evil incarnates high tuning on Heavy Metal; ice cream park-benching, the evening scamming of a new best friend banging your favorite girl onto the silly but epic garage practice for gearing out the song-writings and dream-tales imaginations onto the cult-leader trying to taking back the manuscripts back as the power of demon summoning calls open the gate for Aeloth – the king of demons as the afternoon turns darker and the vortex circle above Brodie’s house eventuall, kills and reanimating other people to be demonic possession of undead creatures attacking the living.
   The front class' blood vomiting, the axe and chainsaw pairs fights onto the black hymn reversing play before it’s too damn late to stop the nude dark-haired priestess from taking the soul of Aeloth to be within her presence breaks the funny also the gory/creepy scenes upon this New Zealand teenage-films. No social outcasts or Heavy Metal fans would going to miss this and the soundtrack as Deathgasm Original Motion Picture Soundtrack filling your destiny with the best of grinding gore and speed-up force on pusher to the limit mayhem hearings with thus soloist screeching, drumming wilder, head-banging doomed and raging extremities by the performance from Axeslasher, Beastwars, Bulletbelt onto Midnight’s Evil Like a Knife, Hour To Live by Skull Fist, Elm Street busting Metal is My Way or Nunslaughter tearing the entire neighborhood on a slaying acts via Looking Into The Abyss shall releasing you from daily fucking lame society and smashing some demon’s head splattered


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