D.I.Y independent featured on Hardcore Punk and Skater anarchist or anti-social or even the both admirable paths collective crew founded in Cosenza – Italy as the trio of rocking Mario on guitars/voice, Attilio on drums/voice and Davidino on bass/choir loves to recording inside their room by then, destroying the stuff in it and inhaling bong all over the air as the short-timing duration limited EP record – the local lyrics and issues on Fourth Floor means that Shameless (band) isn’t your final stops here with La Reza, A Stento or In Prospettiva which written and cranking loud under the two minutes length really suits to the plan for kicking the bully guys whom hated Punk-Rock but didn’t know if this rebel music really can bites back like a rabid pitbull.
Fuck you – posers !!!
Fourth Floor EP:
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