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Spectral Gold (Profound Lore/Sige 2015)

   Naming the band SUMAC which perhaps, some did know something behind that meaning really is but for now – you just stepping into the border territory of these clever fine trio of Heavy Metal heads of Aaron Turner, Brian Cook and Nick Yacyshyn begun as an internet outlet rendezvous (with sometimes added Joe Preston) around Pennsylvania area coming for the making of more progression experiments about the background of an American band with Doomy stoned Psychedelic Hardcore edge and guitar’s ruling blasts as this first debut called The Deal will definite the exact platter-power of Grunge explorations clearly, continues like the drilling project under water which needs to be finished before the next dawn.
   A fitted Classic Heavy Metal album disaster that can spreading gruesome battles inside the hearts of the new world order policies. Devastating the secret lies by siege through Blight’s End Angel, The Radiance of Being onto Hollow King and Thorn in The Lion’s Paw bursting the imminent non-shaped feelings of the young man by the comparison to the effective personal male of the realm in general modernity.

The Deal:

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