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St. Genevieve Atrophic (STB Records 2016)

   Excitements over on how weird your band should be forming up and slowly built within those science fiction, drugs and conspiracies themes and theories happening swirls around your written lyrics and haunting echoes music bursts just like the earth planning something with these San Francisco, California crew calling themselves as Hornss as one can easily related and see about how connected the secret symbols and the blasting beats of grooves for the deliverance on Mike Moracha or Nick Nava performance for their band here through the second releasing like Soundgarden version on too many Gatorade consumptions while hailing some satanic chants during the elegant measurement for Telepath as an album.

   Blending of Doom Metal and Stoner Rock and thus hand-touches over the all seeing eye leads the protocol of metallic bluesy choruses to celebrating the guitar-sounds via Manzanita, In Fields of Lyme, Prince of a Thousand Enemies and The Black Albatross onto Leaving Thermal rewinding the wicked mid-tempo and the faster ones by your stereo judging on high level animosity dangers of rocking system. 


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