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Swipe Swim Stretch (PopReach 2013)

   Started as just a public service announcement for Metro Trains over Melbourne – Australia as the campaign turns viral video not just around Victoria but worldwide to the social media did took Dumb Ways To Die advises for danger avoiding and safety in precautions of animated screenshot characters presenting final chorus song theme funny squishy creatures in colors named Numpty, Hapless, Pillock, Numskull, Bungle, Dimwit, Stupe, Dunce to Calamity and Doofus to many more attracting children as well grown-ups for the reminder to stop being silly and thinking twice for their safety using the train facility and not to be killed as the Emily Lubitz perfoming the song inspired the wider gaming ideas to be made and Julian Frost and Samuel Baird with Ollie McGill producing the invitation to avoid players from doing dangerous activities engaged within thus characters among some levels of quite interesting to think about, aiming right precise images by showing how the prevention can save you from being toast, poking like stick to grizzly bear, Keep The Cow Safe or Tilt To Stand Strong on weight lifting as well as Finding The Treasure among the sea mines are also laughable ideas to play here.

You might keep doing it after the first try and addicted for more moments being clumsy or saved ... 


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