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The Admiral Mycelia (Heavy Psych Sounds 2016)

   Very closer to be called superb is the mountain-hilly anthems of mystical cult on Psychedelic Rock rituals polished and presented as spacier vibes sounding enjoyable to listen and heavier music-performance to the nicer synthesizers or head-banging tempos of retro oldie seventies pomp rock and beyond leads the San Francisco unit who must be those fanatic supporters for telling the world that there’s a giant hole on the planet with mysterious races living inside their advance technology cities and for that Hollow Earth Tour should be arranged onto a recording album by Glitter Wizard as most of the Californian people choose to ignoring the facts about the middle earth society as pressures from the outer-space scammer organization like NASA kept the public being blinded as following only to their announcement only then the news about something approves. Heavy Metal Progressive grungy distorts as well as Stoner Psychedelic opening every secrets of conspiracy theory means that these seven tracks can hiding one or two answers around the questioning basic from most of the human beings while head-banging with Scales, The Hunter, Stoned Odyssey Pt.1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3 (Fungal Visions), UFOLSD, The Smokey God and Death Of Atlantis – probably some of your favorite topics and themes to created onto a good rocking tunes of high melodies and harmonic beats to die after knowing about the truth from Wendy Stonehenge, Doug Graves, Lorfin Terrafor, Kandi Moon and Fancy Cymbalis of San Froakland. 

Hollow Earth Tour:

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