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The Greae Loathe (New Heavy Sounds 2018)

   Misanthropy misery or hatred carries in a bundle of Doom Metal Sludge system which had the clean vocals-like the young ordinary Ozzy Osbourne or Brighton/London – England presentation of the quartet of depressive metal-heads: Staggerin’ Matt on bass guitar, Julia Owen the drummer, Oli the six strings soldier and Jake Harding the lead vocalist ripping out the sections of skyline dark parts within thus gray clouds and Fed Into The Nihilist Engine by these Grave Lines members bursting down the massive grooves among the forbidden tales among Failed Skin, Self Mutilation By Fire and Stone, Loss/Betrayal, Silent Salt and Guilt/Regret means something painful follows the encore as well as the opening signs of death creeping in and licks your dying souls on the side of the bed with its solitude coat of arms. 

Fed Into The Nihilist Engine:

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