Waging the
open water sea of some might saying it is cursed forever really took a believer
to see as things as shitty bad happens to you and your vessel while the
attacking monster creature of gigantic foot size do the demise on everyone who
crossing there since a long time ago. The trio of Adam Siatkowski, Andrew
Dorflinger and Evan Williams putting their wonderful deserving applause of independent
Black Metal melodies as offensive as super cool extremities like the beginning
sessions from Dimmu Borgir USBM style for this releasing underground physical
brute-craze-popular sounds within Dumal’s eight track-listing record on The
Lesser God.
A reminder off many dead victims in pieces being eaten or consumed
by the sea creature whom dwelling the site of that ocean expanding horror and
fear among sailors and native story-tellers about it in many version related imagination
via Lost Caverns, Fane of The Clandestine, The Path to The Fortress is Lined
with Statues, The Wind Demon or Serpents in The Bramble caring to marked your
scary phobic to facing the real terror threat and not completed the journey –
like one shall having Spring Will never Come to themselves after the wrong
course been made.
The Lesser God:
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