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Avarice Compulsion (Lawless Records 2017)

   Do you know that Depok is used to be an outskirt parts area that not many people knows it like the capital city but the distance isn’t too far and do you wanted to know more about hysteric fatal Grindcore band straight coming to represents those local scene over there today ? Meet Indonesia’s Hurt’Em and let your ears bleed much like a raped virgin as Epan on bass guitar, Oces on drums and Chucky on guitars unleashed this purgatory recording debut towards Condolence like a hooded figure cursing you by the dark spells and the world fell into destruction within the fucking gore riffs or fast tempos blasting these sixteen tracks wrote down and arranged extremely well by the trio. Short flicks to burn entirely, no remorse, no mercy only tons of hammering and bone-breaking songs of anti-society and godless thoughts smartly incoming on Insult, Patronage, Revelation, Tedious, Interfere as well as Deranged and Pain like this is not kind of Condolence you might wants.

Without the warning signs; death’s approaching like malignant freight train and hits you up like demolishing reality life did on the innocent. 


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