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Circle Of Druids (Independent 2017)

   Some EP that within its standard may moved your conscious while begin to listen the points of view as psychedelic Stoner/Doom and Psychedelic Metal signed in for these Nashville, Tennessee’s group recalls their existence as Howling Giant for the written down of space travelling to magic moments in outer space or the nether-world that finally, reaching the final taps by the found for older similarity place like our old planet earth on the strange realm system so green and fueled with fresh waterfall but the inside of thus spaceship burnt because of the curses we brought with us on a worships for fire queenvia Black Hole Space Wizard: Part 2. Experts offering created there on the husk old earth seeking guidance by tunes of sensations and riffs as greater within the performance from Tom Polzine (guitars/vocals), Roger marks (bass/vocals) and Zach Wheeler (drums/vocals) with an additional for Drew Harakal guesting for organ/synths and blessing angst from earth goddess in a groovy concept over Desert Rock or Stoner Metal correlation onto Visions, The Forest Speaks, The Pioneer and Henry Tate – assigning the memorial launch from day one until now.


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