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Expansion Cryobiological (Self-Released 2017)

   Theory In Practice founded somewhere in Sweden within the band’s fucking thick growler vocals and double pedals diminishing actions packed into the their Technical Death Metal complex Progressive songs of Extreme Metal wrote down by persistence to the consistency for lots of time and tempos transforming leading roles by those three metallic heads: Peter Lake (guitars and bass), Andreas Lyngmo (vocals) and Patrik Sjoberg (drums) as afiiliate to the liking fanatics for Mekong Delta, Sorcery onto Scar Symmetry as these Sandviken crew showing something terrible just similar to the victim of a insane serial killer within the front cover editing of a little boy with his chest open as skeleton and flesh shown there where fitting in for the consumption over the Death Metal explosions through Thermodynamic Process, Journal of a Modified, Abstract Entities making your night getting worst for trying Theory In Practice recording this compilation EP of Crescendo Dezign.

Let the growling vocals and the disturbance compels you to the luring bait of a mad man near the nameless cabin. 

Crescendo Dezign:

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