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Figure 8 (Polydor Ltd. UK 2012)

Debut release, number one off the UK charts and sold for eight hundred thousand copies as the peak position for our talented Elena Jane Goulding known later as Ellie Goulding – one of our famous female singer/artists worldwide not just because she’s sweeter and cute but foremost causing the mild kinds of favorable hysteria among the Synth-Pop and Electronic Dance music scene every time Ellie performs in front of the audience.

The smooth voice of beauty and thus mixing over the Pop-tunes talking wiser, stronger and brighter sparks like Halycon meets the rest of us listening to this particular good album of the future Pop-Synth and beyond presented by Miss Ellie Goulding as the opener Don’t Say a Word, Anything Could Happen, Only You, my Blood or Explosion to Atlantis. Has been given towards the global scene – this new low-profiled diva whose diving carefully, to the crystal clear water of vast ocean Electronic music that mesmerizing the crowds with in universal hazy Lights for the cozy club near the beach in paradise. 


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