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Heathrow Dance (Fat Possum Records 2018)

Centered calm in rational of being nice by not trying to fake it is the whole life of Ben Romans-Hopcraft relationship within Saul Adamczemski or Nathan Saoudi and their friends build the project of quieter writing songs or music for not just presenting noises only but more to the reflective moments and messages in its lyrics creates the start for primary bunk school or the confine cramps around The Queen Head Pub in Stockwell with Insecure Men was born.

Successful efforts and long standing deals on drug problems surrounding the Alternative Pop group due to serious made extra energy with the band-stands releasing their debut and perhaps, the only one recording on this self-titled album. Child loving truce team-up and distinctive Pub-Rock and Indie-Pop rocking tools of standard smooth sounds smart for delivering Teenage Toy, Subaru Nights, Mekong Glotter, Cliff Has Left The Building, Ulster and The Saddest Man in Penge or their electro-new wave beats as the background really annoying for some but cannot blurring the intentions for people for liking them.

Insecure Men:

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