Seventy-five foot giant prehistoric shark comes to our modern surface after the nuclear submarine sank caused by the attack or malfunction in the abyss somewhere off the Phillipines trench around pacific ocean as but it wasn’t really clear for the rescue-team divers led by Jonas Taylor for helping the evacuations of the submarine crew before it blown up with the left of the rest of his crew team-mates with the glimpse of blur image upon the unimaginable threat lurking in the deep. Five years later, the group of wealthy scientist led by Dr. Minway Zhang and Jack Morris successfully built the most advance off-shore laboratory in the middle of the south china sea called Mana One with co-worker experts like Jaxx Herd the tattooed chick runs invention departments; Suyin Zhang the marine-biologist, and the mini-sub team led by Jonas ex-wife Lori with her friends going over the limit of oceanographer mission being attacked by large creature of the abyss as the story goes Zhang and James Mackreides hired back Jonas for the rescuing team inside the sunken submarine with short limits of life-span times down there.
The audience being brought to watch how advance and remarkable the oceanic station really looks like from the inside with technology and massive levels but it won’t holding the bad luck after Jonas and the mini-sub team and the camera viewers witnessing the gigantic Megalodon crushing the monster squid and attacking the remains of the mini-sub before Jonas rescuing them up. The Meg movie seems to be too awkward to imagine but the facts are positively, possible with the too much explorations over our seas and pollutions and the destruction of the food-chains luring the monstrous dinosaur-like shark resurface and terrorizing the surrounding area.

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