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Rub-Tranquility Sunrise (Self-Released 2014)

   Geoff Barone secluded himself from making too much numbers as the soundtrack covers remixes over thus favorite games worldwide as usual because now when he’s locking himself up in a room alone; and playing reality game with himself as the results for recording release independently recalls the days of reflections and self-thoughts born through this Music For Media: Volume I - collaborating this Buffalo, NY’s loves and passion for Film-score, Musical Theatre to orchestral Dubstep and Electronic Rock tuning production like soundtrack with no vocals added but virtual music goes ruling reminds us about those Italian suspense/horror/thrill scenery sounds meets the galactic/imaginable fairytales motions onwards. Geoff Barone leads the non-popular of his identity self-works making Copeland, The Dance of Infinity as magical as the next disturbance smothered beats in Dubzilla Rex onto the beauty Princess Lily, the busting Burn and adventurous Persian journey through Into The Eyes of The Sun and maybe you shall go hypnotized for The Hands Resist Him and Ghost Teeth. 

Beware of the VHS videos, magazines, string music-instruments and the dark-glasses figure tells you to shut up or nuts out by asking Who Shot John ?! 

Music For Media Volume I:

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