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The Headbang King (Independent 2014)

   Conquered by the teaming-up given melodic taste upon thus Progressive Death Metal missiles and good beats to counting on over your thirst for something pleasure and metallic within high techniques are this unsigned unit of Canadian Eli Slamang and Pat Peeve on guitars, vocalist Sean Ip, Ryan Idris the drummer and Alexander Giles on bass came crushing to the fastest as the slowest tuning in Heavy Metal performance hailing themselves as Expain from Vancouver, British Columbia expanding the debut recording about wonders of nature digest and weirdest thing like the laughing stone monument faces on Just The Tip. Freaky loosen away through the technical powers via riff-age, solos and driven beats force altogether been brought as arranges like slashing knives of the magic occult or scientific-based themes to wrote down on Aggression’s Progression, Phoenix Writhing, Don’t Worry The Worst is Yet to Come, Allegiance to pain, Manatee or even Eating a Beating Heart feels like your Classic Thrash-Metal package gifts to destroying the modern community of asshole humans and replacing them with natural thoughts and mother earth’s laws.

Just The Tip:

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