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The Prowler Slam (20 Buck Spin Records 2014)

   Destructing, screeching, slamming, brutal truth and punching kickers mosh-pit music available while one opens the stage door and hundreds metallic Hardcore fans insanely comes in and started pushing the riot goes erupted as the bashing beats from Foreseen – the band from Helsinki, Finland consisting for Erkka Korpi, Jaako Heitakangas, Joonas Hakaste, Marten Gustafsson and Mirko Nummelin given their extreme fast and dangerous profiles unto the perfect descriptions of what the world should calling as Speed Metal Thrash mixtures and Hardcore to Heavy Metal madness viewing the apocalypse scene where thousands of skeleton of the victims scattered, evil spirits and the hound of hell patrolling the areas while the grim-reaper stole people’s souls and body snatching as the brute metallic basher tracks comes to kill you all in minutes here for Helsinki Savagery fucking album. Cranks the most craziest metallic tunes in loud volume for those about to die but wants to help eliminating your hatful enemies or friends or families and neighbor ass-fucks by torturing them slow and painful – Binded By United Blood, market Target, Death Injection and Structural Oppression would really fits to do good soundtrack as Delusion Of No Consequence on Both Sides Lose faded.

Helsinki Savagery:

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