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Adrenaline 3:23 (TOT Records 2012)

   Musical abilities within men with their talents then creating this hailed Hip-Hop breeding ground crew of Adelaide Hills as Levelheaded to the FTO MC former-members decided to combining their force together within the results for consisting developed grouping off brothers and Rappers Eslev and Levelheaded mixing their opportunities within Mix Zagger DJ Snchez and Chris Weber to Willy Metzer and Jack Radford from the boys to becoming Full Tote Odds whose came closer to be incarnating as Aussie’s Beastie Boys version but not because they’re born white doesn’t mean that they’re didn’t wanna to adding some more tuning catchy by the chance of sell further more about their music to you and the additions for joining the leftish sided political views, numbers of recognition well-known acts national wide within others compiling the international recording as well technical high level knowledge and the examples for the group’s song-tracks would be you taking them out of this debut album – Place Your Bets featuring Ain’t Coming Down, Feeling Alright, Call It A Night featuring T. Jones/ guitarist C. Ward or The Answer, For The Music featuring J. Radford/T. Spreadbury onto Southside, Sweet Touch or Southern Wind feat. T. Jonesand the scratching cuts by DJ Hacksaw bleeding you up being stilts on tha autonomous semi-monumental beats before collecting your coins for winning ! 

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