Satanic demons dwelling the in the dedication for amusing made for the drunken Techno-Electro beats meets the Industrial Aggrotech-offerings performance said that the duke of ultimate hell loves to creating seductive things and from the Mexico City underground clubbing spot goes out erupting these Amduscia crew consolidates for Polo the vocalist/lyricist and music arrangements; Edgar on synth programming/sampling and mixing as well as Raul on lyrics but maintain stays as two persons project being Polo and Edgar showing the planet society about their first debut – Melodies For The Devil as Industrial Electronic blasting the curiosity and the darkened acts of devilish behavior displaying naked people, arousing females with bare naked butts showing and irritating mechanical sounds blasters within thus Techno/Rave/Trance harsh plus violent pacification images and noises take turns on purging the stereo system via Fucking Flesh (Raw Mix), Merciless Vain Reign, Dios Vuelto Miseria and Killing Mission and Embrion can do trap-secrecy piling up miserable misery ideas of murderous slashing or chainsaw-ing threats towards your family by the full version of inhumanity values carried by Profano Tu Cruz and Evil Song in their blackest magic tales …
Melodies For The Devil:
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